By Monica Blue
I dreamed of you again.
What separates our souls in dreams from reality? What is after all a dream? An alternate universe parallel to our mind wander over there while our eyes and senses rest? A development that makes our souls leave our bodies and go to places that the body can not reach or go meet people at the moment is physically impossible.
It has some dreams so real, so strong, that sometimes we can smell, touch, heat when we open our eyes. Or do I just feel it? I have a feeling that my body lives in a world and my soul lives on another. Each in its reality.
Clear that some dreams are absurd, when we dream running, jumping rooftops, and super heroes. And nightmares? Maybe our soul will find its way unprotected sucked into the dark places of our emotions astral bad.
But what I really want to refer those dreams is perfect, he dreams that make you not want to wake up, you know you're dreaming and any false move you back to your body, and so clear that you do not want.
Again we find ourselves, as it prevents the reality that this meeting takes place. And again everything felt his touch, his smile, his look, his kindness, his being a wonderful and unique.
Again we changed so much information that I wake I'm still giddy and can not coordinate them. Or perhaps not even all of a sudden are secrets that only our souls should know.
Sometimes those dreams make me happy, and we found us a few moments under the happiness in our hands, our souls, in our hearts. However, sometimes it hurts when I open my eyes and you're not there. The uncertainty you feel, you'd remember me know that I was with you rips my chest, and sadness takes over. The shadows hide the light that I brought the meeting and spend the day sad, tearful, bitter.
And if you remember? And if you ask who is the one that inhabits your dreams, that makes your heart feel different, that makes you feel completely different. Only I know who you are, but you do not know me. Not in this reality, not in this body I inhabit.
Dreams, fine line between reality and frustration. I wish I could live over there, just thinking, being happy at his side, feeling the full power and love, while the stars will give rise to the day.
Will we one day the dream and reality will found? And you will finally live my real world? Did you ever find me?
Would you fall for me? How would I do for you?
My angel without wings.
My star on Earth.
Do you remember?
I dreamed of you again.
What separates our souls in dreams from reality? What is after all a dream? An alternate universe parallel to our mind wander over there while our eyes and senses rest? A development that makes our souls leave our bodies and go to places that the body can not reach or go meet people at the moment is physically impossible.
It has some dreams so real, so strong, that sometimes we can smell, touch, heat when we open our eyes. Or do I just feel it? I have a feeling that my body lives in a world and my soul lives on another. Each in its reality.
Clear that some dreams are absurd, when we dream running, jumping rooftops, and super heroes. And nightmares? Maybe our soul will find its way unprotected sucked into the dark places of our emotions astral bad.
But what I really want to refer those dreams is perfect, he dreams that make you not want to wake up, you know you're dreaming and any false move you back to your body, and so clear that you do not want.
Again we find ourselves, as it prevents the reality that this meeting takes place. And again everything felt his touch, his smile, his look, his kindness, his being a wonderful and unique.
Again we changed so much information that I wake I'm still giddy and can not coordinate them. Or perhaps not even all of a sudden are secrets that only our souls should know.
Sometimes those dreams make me happy, and we found us a few moments under the happiness in our hands, our souls, in our hearts. However, sometimes it hurts when I open my eyes and you're not there. The uncertainty you feel, you'd remember me know that I was with you rips my chest, and sadness takes over. The shadows hide the light that I brought the meeting and spend the day sad, tearful, bitter.
And if you remember? And if you ask who is the one that inhabits your dreams, that makes your heart feel different, that makes you feel completely different. Only I know who you are, but you do not know me. Not in this reality, not in this body I inhabit.
Dreams, fine line between reality and frustration. I wish I could live over there, just thinking, being happy at his side, feeling the full power and love, while the stars will give rise to the day.
Will we one day the dream and reality will found? And you will finally live my real world? Did you ever find me?
Would you fall for me? How would I do for you?
My angel without wings.
My star on Earth.
Do you remember?
Sonhei ocm você novamente...
O que separa em nossas almas o sonho da realidade? O que é afinal um sonho? Um universo alternativo, paralelo que nossa mente vagueia por lá enquanto nossos olhos e sentidos descansam? Um desdobramento que faz com que nossa alma saia de nossos corpos e vá a lugares que o corpo não alcança ou vá encontrar com pessoas que no momento fisicamente é impossível.
Tem alguns sonhos tão reais, tão fortes, que algumas vezes conseguimos sentir o cheiro, o toque, o calor quando abrimos os olhos. Ou será que só eu sinto isso? Tenho a sensação de que meu corpo vive em um mundo e minha alma vive em outro. Cada um em sua realidade.
Claro que alguns sonhos são absurdos, quando sonhamos fugindo, pulando telhados, sendo super heróis. E pesadelos? Talvez nossa alma desprotegida acabe chegando a lugares obscuros sugados por nossas emoções de astrais ruins.
Mas o que eu quero mesmo me referir é aqueles sonhos perfeitos, aquele sonhos que te fazem não querer acordar, que você sabe que está sonhando e qualquer movimento em falso você volta ao seu corpo, e isso claro que você não quer.
Outra vez nos encontramos, já que a realidade impede que esse encontro se realize. E novamente senti tudo, seu toque, seu sorriso, seu olhar, sua bondade, seu ser maravilhoso e único.
Mais uma vez trocamos tantas informações que quando acordo ainda estou zonza e não consigo coordená-las. Ou talvez não deva mesmo, de repente são segredos que apenas nossas almas devem saber.
Algumas vezes esses sonhos me fazem feliz, por termos nos encontrado e por alguns momentos termos a felicidade plena em nossas mãos, em nossas almas, em nossos corações. Porém, outras vezes dói quando abro meus olhos e você não está lá. A incerteza de que você sinta, que se lembre de mim, que saiba que eu estive com você dilacera meu peito, e a tristeza toma conta. As sombras escondem a luz que eu trouxe do encontro e passo o dia triste, chorosa, amarga.
E se você lembrar? E se você se indagar quem é essa que habita seus sonhos , que faz seu coração sentir diferente, que faz você se sentir completamente diferente. Só que eu sei quem você é, mas você não me conhece. Não nessa realidade, não nesse corpo que habito.
Sonhos, linha tênue, entre a realidade e a frustração. Queria poder viver do lado de lá, apenas acreditando, sendo feliz ao seu lado, sentindo a energia e o amor pleno, enquanto as estrelas vão dando lugar ao dia.
Será que um dia o sonho e a realidade se fundarão? E você virá finalmente habitar meu mundo real? Será que algum dia você me encontrará?
Você cairia por mim? Como eu faria por você?
Meu anjo sem asas.
Minha estrela na Terra.
Você se lembra?
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